The Race, Church & Healing Workshop Series builds an understanding of the history of racism, the origins of White supremacy, and the structure and dynamics of privilege, producing leaders in the churches and communities they serve who are equipped to create more racially equitable cultures.
Clergy and laity of the Capital District of the NCCUMC (and possibly people they are building relationships with in their communities) are invited to apply to be a part of a virtual cohort of approximately 30 people who will participate in a series of 7 workshops being offered over a 14-week period.
Participants will:
- evaluate their intercultural competence.
- learn to recognize their implicit biases and racial blind spots.
- develop awareness of systemic racism and its impact in the church and larger society.
- practice strategies for restorative healing and self-care.
- gain competence in leading racial healing conversations in their own communities.
Each participant will first complete and be debriefed by a Qualified Administrator of the IDI (Intercultural Development Inventory ©) and will engage in a Cultural Humility workshop, followed by six other workshops that will focus on the following topics:
- Engaging Constructively in Brave Conversations about Race
- The Myth of Race and the Psychology of Racism
- Race and Christianity, Part 1
- Race and Christianity, Part 2
- Putting it All Together
- Restorative Healing and Self Care
On alternate weeks, conversation participants will be invited to sit in race-specific affinity groups (one for BILPOC participants and the other for White participants). People of different cultural groups process information in different ways and these affinity groups are designed to provide space for discernment and dialogue focusing on restorative healing, self-care, and racial identity development. Each affinity session is approximately one hour.
This learning opportunity is being sponsored by the Racial Healing Team of the Capital District of the North Carolina Conference of the UMC. This team seeks to help laity and clergy become aware of issues of racism and discrimination inside the church and in society served by that church and develop leaders to advocate for racial healing, justice and equity.
The cost to participate is $100 per person, with scholarships available upon request. This virtual workshop series is made possible by the receipt of a grant from the Intentional Growth Center.
Workshops are led by Claire Cox-Woodlief of CCW Transformation Ministries, LLC and BryanaClover, LLC.
Workshop Dates (10:00 am-12:00 pm)
September 1
September 8
September 22
October 6
October 20
November 10
November 17
Optional Race Affinity Dialogue Sessions (10:00 am-11:00 am)
September 15
September 29
October 13
October 27
December 1
Have questions? Contact Claire Cox-Woodlief,